Deja Perkins
The Geospatial Urban Birder
Project | 10
Project 10 | Bring Birds Back, Season 6 Episode 2
Bring Birds Back is a long form podcast by Bird Note. In season 6, I produce and host episode 2 which features Daniella Herrera of the Chicago BIPOC Birders. In this episode, we talk why spaces for Black and brown birders are important to have for both safety and community-building. The group’s dynamic and inclusive approach to birding, as well as their grassroots-based structure is not only impressive but inspiring. Historically, birding spaces aren’t known to show diverse faces, races, and even genders. But for the Chicago BIPOC Birders group, co-founder Daniela Herrera proves that what has always been isn’t always right. You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify or
Project | 09
Project 09 | Bring Birds Back, Season 6 Episode 3
In season 6 of Bring Birds Back, I wanted to highlight the challenges birds face navigating a common place for birding, the city of Chicago. Episode 3 features Douglas Stotz, a conservation ecologist at the Field Museum, Judy Pollock of the Chicago Bird Alliance, Myles Davis of NYC Bird Alliance, and cohost Purbita Saha. Listen in as we talk about the deadliest building and night for migratory birds in Chicago, October 5 2023) You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify or
Project | 08
Project 08 | Bring Birds Back, Season 6 Episode 5
In season 6 episode 5, I produced and hosted an episode highlighting the type of discoveries we can make when we make our everyday observations count for science. Episode 5, which features Emma Grieg from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Dr. Ashley Dayer at Virginia Tech, we discuss the ins and outs of Project FeederWatch. In this episode we dive deep into how watching birds at home feeders can improve your mental health and what we know about bird conservation. As an advocate for participatory science, I am very proud of this episode. You can learn more about the project and how to participate by listening to the episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify or
Project | 07
Project 07 | Bring Birds Back, Season 6 Episode 6
Avian flu, better known as bird flu, has been in news headlines all of 2024. Still, many questions remain for the general public. What is it? What’s causing it? How is it spreading? And how serious should we be taking this public health matter? In season 6 episode 6 I cohost with Purbita Saha and we sit with leading scientists, Dr. Andy Ramey Director of Molecular Biology from the USGS Alaska Science Center, and Dr. Wendy Puryear, molecular virologist at Tufts University. Tune in on Apple Podcast, Spotify or
Project | 06
Project 06 | Black Birders Week 2023 & the Red-Winged Black Bird
In this episode of Bird Note Daily, I talk the Red-winged Blackbird. The Red-winged Blackbird is the theme bird for Black Birders Week 2023 . As an event organizer, I introduce the species and why the bird was chosen as the theme bird for Black Birders Week 2023.
Project | 05
Project 05 | Urban Birding w/ Bird Note Daily
In this episode of Bird Note Daily, I talk about how many bird species live right within bustling cities. Whether you’re on your porch, at your local park, or the parking lot of your favorite store, you can find birds. I suggests taking five minutes of mindfulness to focus your attention on birds. Look up in the sky, along power lines and the tops of buildings. Close your eyes and listen — past the sounds of traffic — for the songs of nearby birds.
Project | 04
Project 04 | Piedmont Naturalist Course
The Natural History of Birds Online Course in partnership with the Duke Gardens. Let's talk about birds – from hummingbirds to ostriches and life patterns to ecosystem services. Birds occupy every continent and every type of habitat with roughly 10,000 species. What do we know about these beautiful creatures? Join us to explore birds; including what makes a bird, migration patterns, mating systems, nesting strategies and bird identification. You will have the opportunity to learn and then apply your knowledge in several assignments that send you out on a Bird Quest!
The class is 4 Wednesdays, Oct. 7-28, from 7-8 p.m.
Fee: $49; Garden members receive a 20% discount upon registration.
Link to register:
Project | 03
Project 03 | Triangle Bird Count
The Triangle Bird Count is a citizen science program to monitor the diversity and abundance of bird species across Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Garner and Chapel Hill North Carolina. The Bird count runs April 15 - May 15 on an annual basis. To sign up to participate visit:
Project | 02
Project 02 | Smoky Mountains
This is a video I created during the 2018 United States Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Center Global Change Fellow field intensive about some of the wonders you can find in the Smoky Mountains.
Project | 01